Randonnée pédestre
D'Evolène aux alpages de Chemeuille et Mandelon
From Evolène, in 30 minutes, reach Lannaz, a protected historic hamlet classified as a heritage of national importance (ISOS). The village is built in the shape of a ring, where the ancestral houses form a circle around a meadow.
It's a 20-minute ride in the chair lift to Alp Chemeuille, where the gorgeous approx. four-hour hike begins. About an hour into the hike in the stretch leading up to the alp, there is a small lake. Here it is well worth stopping off to enjoy the stupendous mountain scenery. The panorama stretches from Dent Blanche to the famous Matterhorn.A well-marked path leads you further on to Alp Mandelon. With a little luck, you might see the Hérens cows grazing directly in front of the restaurant’s terrace, when their fighting can be a wonderful spectacle. You'll surely enjoy the landscape and the homemade traditional dishes. A real insider tip – but maybe not for long.
If you go back to the valley, you will zigzag back down to the Praperrot bus stop, and from here you can go back to the villages of Val d’Hérens or on to the Rhone Valley. You can also sleep on the alp in the "Gîtes de Mandelon" or go back to Evolène.
tips !
Tous les mardis, empruntez la Navette des Alpages qui vous amène au point de départ de la randonnée et vous ramène chez vous en fin de journée. Profitez ainsi d'une randonnée facile, sans dénivelé, accessble pour tous !
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Découvrez une autre randonnée facile, d'alpage en alpage, dans le Val d'Hérens sur le côteau ensoleillé de Saint-Martin, entre Eison / L'A Vieille, Lovégnoz et La Louère.
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Technical information
Duration 4h30min