Randonnée pédestre
The Blue Lake Loop
Arolla/Val d’Arolla
Arolla - Lac Bleu by the easy path (via Pramousse): 1h45
Arolla - Lac Bleu by the path with some vertiginous passages on the valley side: 1h30
Loop by the two variants: 3h15
You can also find this hike on Alpes Trail Val d'Hérens
Technical information
Distance 633 m
Positive elevation 779 m
Negative elevation 633 m
Highest point 2'132 m
Difficulty Moderate
Duration 3h15min

OT Evolène Région
phone +41 27 283 40 00
email info@evolene-region.ch
link https://www.valdherens.ch/fr/fppoi-arolla-le-lac-bleu-2-variantes-47870.html
Location / Access
GPS coordinates :
46.0257769874359, 7.481212712860095