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Geology and glaciology centre

Les Haudères

More information on the current exhibition "Ice Memory" from July 6 to October 26, 2024 : 



Geomorphology is the study of landforms and their evolution. The main processes active in mountain environments are very active in the Val d'Hérens. This represents a real heritage for the valley.

Did you know that in recent years, climate change has led to an increase in boulder falls and rockfalls in the valley, especially during periods of heatwave and snowmelt?

Soapstone sector:

Did you know that this "soft", fire-resistant stone was also used to make cooking pots and irons?



on request


- Adults: CHF 6
- OAS/Students: CHF 4
- Children under 16: free
- Family with more than 3 adults: CHF 20
- Groups: 1 to 5 people: CHF 30, more than 5 people: CHF 4 extra per person.

Guided tour by an academic (in addition to admission): CHF 120

For reservations:
Evolène Région Tourisme 027 283 40 00 or info@evolene-region.ch



Geology and glaciology centre

Geology and glaciology centre

+41 (0)27 283 40 00



Chemin de l'Ecole
1984 Les Haudères

Location / Access

GPS coordinates :
46.083233118343195, 7.509385943412782